Friday, July 18, 2014

Vinegar Syndrome - A Company You Should Know and Support

Vinegar Syndrome is a company that was completely off my radar until about a year ago. I came across Vinegar Syndrome thanks to Amazon when they recommended to me their bluray/DVD combo release of Night Train to Terror, a movie that I had been searching for (oddly enough I've yet to purchase this, not sure why. Need to get on that soon!). Unaware of the company, I did a quick Google search to learn more.

Turns out Vinegar Syndrome is a distribution company focused on exploitation films. As they say they were "founded by genre-film lovers for genre-film lovers." VS releases lots of different types of films across the genre spectrum. They release horror stuff, cult stuff, just plain weird stuff, X-rated stuff, and basically anything you can think of. You may not have interest in everything they release, but if you are a genre fan I can guarantee you that they will have plenty to peak your interest.

VS does a wonderful job tracking down obscure and lost films and giving them a proper release. Recently they released Runaway Nightmare, easily one of the most bizarre movies I have ever seen. Other past titles include Massage Parlor Murders, The Doll Squad, Lust for Freedom and a whole lot more.

Since first discovering VS, I've picked up a few titles and have enjoyed them all thus far. But what really makes VS stand out (and the whole reason behind me writing this) is the great customer service they provide. For starters the people behind VS really seem to care about the product they put out. They truly are film lovers first and it shows. Being film lovers they treat other film lovers with the proper respect they deserve.

Earlier this week VS ran a flash sale on their website. I'm not sure if it was for a day or a couple of hours but basically for a short period of time everything on their website was on sale. It sounds like the sale was a success, VS stated on Facebook that they had a huge surge in international sales. What caught my eye were the comments in response to the flash sale being over.

Multiple people left comments saying they were bummed that they missed out on the sale. VS responded individually to each one of these people and basically said, "no worries, shoot us an email and we'll hook you up with the savings." This may not seem like a big deal, but to me, a consumer, this was huge! Vinegar Syndrome didn't have to do this. The sale had a specific time frame. But Vinegar Syndrome gets it. They know what's it's like to be a genre film collector who misses out on a big sale. They know not everyone operates on the same schedule. So they were willing to bend the rules of the flash sale a bit to help those that missed out cash in on the savings.

I won't specifically call anybody out on this, but I've seen other distribution companies, bigger ones, specifically not do this. They have a specific time for the sale and if you miss out too bad. Vinger Syndrome thinks a little differently. They think like a genre-film lover and because of that I'll be a supporter of theirs for life.

Please visit and check out the great library of films they have to offer.

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